Disruption Out. Network Performance In. INFOLOB Network Operations Center Services

Modern network architectures are overwhelmed by the rise of SaaS, distributed hosting, and multicloud. Leading to complexities blocking continuous value delivery. What you need is an equally futuristic Network Operations Center (NOC) — offering 24×7 monitoring, incident management, and unified SLA management across various providers, coupled with up-and-coming technologies and anti-disruption best practices. You need us.

Talk to INFOLOB's NOC Experts Today

Precision & Resilience Meet Proactive & Predictable – Network Performance Defense Layers

INFOLOB NOC Services renders network performance predictable with precision by proactively monitoring alerts, 24×7, hitting resilience. Having the innovation embedded into your network and cloud defense layers makes all the difference. In action, what we start with is efficiently triaging support tickets, and fostering seamless coordination with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Shift Teams (across Infrastructure, Database, Application, and Network), and our valued customers — addressing some of the most critical P1 & P2 issues.

By entrusting INFOLOB NOC with alert monitoring and day-to-day operations, we empower our SMEs, 24/7 support teams, and customers to focus on strategic implementation work, guaranteeing optimal network performance, highly potent defense layers, and customer satisfaction.

Cloud Patrol: The New Standard in Network Operations Center

Move out of the traditional network management standards — into INFOLOB’s AI-gen NOC services that redefine cloud security auditing and vulnerability management, continuous monitoring, threat protection, and enforcement of best security practices. All of which is backed by auto-remediation capabilities, guaranteeing critical threats are addressed proactively. Through unparalleled visibility and access to detailed reports on your cloud security posture, and integration with your existing systems — we build you a freeway for your network performance.

Meanwhile, INFOLOB’s comprehensive monitoring, notification, and alerting system, spanning everything from monitoring to log analytics — always keeps you in the loop when it comes to your cloud and network security.

Features - INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol - Network Operations Center

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol is your ticket to an unprecedentedly secure, efficient, and compliant cloud environment. :

Centralized Provisioning

Enjoy the convenience of centralizing platform provisioning across both private and public clouds, simplifying service delivery.

Tailored Self-Service

Customize your self-service provisioning catalog to align with your unique needs, providing greater flexibility and control.

Enhanced Access Control

Implement fine-grained access controls, bolstering your security posture and safeguarding critical resources.

Automation for Efficiency

Our solution automates hybrid cloud app and infrastructure management, optimizing operations for peak efficiency.

Cost Optimization

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol helps you optimize hybrid cloud costs, ensuring you get the most value from your cloud investments.

Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD

Embrace modern practices like Infrastructure as Code and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for agility and scalability.

Job Scheduling and Tracking

Schedule jobs and easily track their execution, ensuring tasks are completed on time.

Cost Optimization Guidance

Implement cost optimization recommendations to make informed decisions and maximize cost savings.

Seamless Integration

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol seamlessly integrates with Accountability and Management tools, providing a comprehensive solution for your cloud management needs.

Network Operations Defense via Next-Gen Reporting

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol’s reporting competencies empower you with valuable insights and efficient management tools for your cloud environment. Stay informed, compliant, and in control with our extensive reporting features.

User Activity:

Extract a clear view of user actions, groups, and compartment usage, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Service Limits:

Keep track of your service limits to prevent potential bottlenecks and optimize resource allocation.

Policy Management:

Easily manage policies, all conveniently listed on a single sheet for quick reference, with intuitive filtering options for streamlined tracking.

Resource Instances:

Monitor all Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) services in use, ensuring efficient resource management.

Event Tracking:

Stay informed about every action within your tenancies, maintaining a comprehensive archive of all activities for reference and compliance.

Network Alerts:

Receive alerts pertaining to OCI network activities, ensuring you’re promptly notified of any potential issues.

Oracle Cloud Guard Integration:

Seamlessly integrate Oracle Cloud Guard alerts into your reporting, and schedule these reports for daily, monthly, or on-demand access.

Automated Report Placement:

Automatically store reports in cloud drive paths, making them readily available for sharing, collaboration, and historical data reference.

Quick Advantages of Using INFOLOB NOC Services ft. Cloud Patrol

  • Streamlined Tenancy Oversight: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol offers a consolidated review of all tenancy components, providing you with a unified perspective and eliminating the need for individual tenancy logins.
  • Effortless Audits and Highlights: Our solution conducts thorough audits and brings critical issues to the forefront through insightful highlights on reports, ensuring that you’re always aware of potential concerns.
  • Efficient Data Archiving: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol simplifies the process of archiving historical data by presenting it in easily accessible spreadsheet formats, facilitating reference and compliance requirements.
  • Automated Report Distribution: Say goodbye to manual report sharing. Our solution offers the convenience of automatically distributing reports via email, ensuring that the right stakeholders are informed promptly.
  • Tailored Audits and Configurability: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol provides the flexibility of selecting specific audits and configuring them to meet your unique requirements, putting you in control of your cloud security and compliance.
  • User-Friendly Access: Any user within your tenancy can harness the power of INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol, with the only requirement being the need to ‘read all-resources in the tenancy.’ This user-friendly accessibility ensures that your entire team can benefit from our solution’s capabilities effortlessly.

Streamlined Tenancy Oversight

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol offers a consolidated review of all tenancy components, providing you with a unified perspective and eliminating the need for individual tenancy logins.

Effortless Audits and Highlights

Our solution conducts thorough audits and brings critical issues to the forefront through insightful highlights on reports, ensuring that you’re always aware of potential concerns.

Efficient Data Archiving

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol simplifies the process of archiving historical data by presenting it in easily accessible spreadsheet formats, facilitating reference and compliance requirements.

Automated Report Distribution

Say goodbye to manual report sharing. Our solution offers the convenience of automatically distributing reports via email, ensuring that the right stakeholders are informed promptly.

Tailored Audits and Configurability

INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol provides the flexibility of selecting specific audits and configuring them to meet your unique requirements, putting you in control of your cloud security and compliance.

User-Friendly Access

Any user within your tenancy can harness the power of INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol, with the only requirement being the need to ‘read all-resources in the tenancy.’ This user-friendly accessibility ensures that your entire team can benefit from our solution’s capabilities effortlessly.

Discover the “at offense” capabilities of INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol, designed to continuously safeguard your cloud environment.

  • Real-time Misconfiguration Detection: We provide continuous discovery of misconfigured resources and insecure activity drifts, ensuring that your cloud environment remains secure and compliant.
  • Operational Verification: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol verifies that operational activities are executed as expected and by authorized users, enhancing accountability and security.
  • Compliance Assurance: Our solution assesses your overall security posture against technical policies and best practices, including Center for Internet Security (CIS) and OCI Best Practices, helping you maintain compliance effortlessly.
  • Intuitive Consolidated Dashboard: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol offers a consolidated dashboard that provides clear visualizations of prioritized alerts, security insights, and risk scores, empowering you with actionable information at a glance.
  • Storage, Networking, Compute, Crypto: We cover a wide range of components, including detecting public access to buckets, Load Balancer configurations, database security, and more.
  • Data Safe Management: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol helps you ensure Data Safe is enabled, databases are registered with Data Safe, and prevents public access to your databases.
  • Secure Load Balancers: We identify weak SSL Protocols and Cipher suites, bolstering the security of your Load Balancers.
  • Scanning Detectors: Our solution scans hosts for open ports and CVE violations, proactively addressing potential vulnerabilities.
  • Identity and User Activity: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol monitors user activity, including creating, updating, and deleting operations on users, groups, and credentials. It also alerts you to aged credentials and suspicious IP activity.

In a nutshell, with INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol, your cloud environment is fortified with real-time protection, compliance adherence, and over-arching monitoring competencies.

Monitoring Armed with INFOLOB Cloud Patrol

Discover the “at offense” capabilities of INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol, designed to continuously safeguard your cloud environment.

  • Real-time Misconfiguration Detection: We provide continuous discovery of misconfigured resources and insecure activity drifts, ensuring that your cloud environment remains secure and compliant.
  • Operational Verification: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol verifies that operational activities are executed as expected and by authorized users, enhancing accountability and security.
  • Compliance Assurance: Our solution assesses your overall security posture against technical policies and best practices, including Center for Internet Security (CIS) and OCI Best Practices, helping you maintain compliance effortlessly.
  • Intuitive Consolidated Dashboard: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol offers a consolidated dashboard that provides clear visualizations of prioritized alerts, security insights, and risk scores, empowering you with actionable information at a glance.

NOC’s Monitoring Set in Action

  • Storage, Networking, Compute, Crypto: We cover a wide range of components, including detecting public access to buckets, Load Balancer configurations, database security, and more.
  • Data Safe Management: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol helps you ensure Data Safe is enabled, databases are registered with Data Safe, and prevents public access to your databases.
  • Secure Load Balancers: We identify weak SSL Protocols and Cipher suites, bolstering the security of your Load Balancers.
  • Scanning Detectors: Our solution scans hosts for open ports and CVE violations, proactively addressing potential vulnerabilities.
  • Identity and User Activity: INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol monitors user activity, including creating, updating, and deleting operations on users, groups, and credentials. It also alerts you to aged credentials and suspicious IP activity.

In a nutshell, with INFOLOB NOC Cloud Patrol, your cloud environment is fortified with real-time protection, compliance adherence, and over-arching monitoring competencies.

Pushing Further into Monitoring with NOC & Cloud Patrol

Automated Resource Discovery:

Effortlessly discover all your cloud resources, including those provisioned through native cloud consoles.

Standardized Architectures:

Maintain standardized architectures that align with corporate guidelines for versions, patches, and configurations.

Flexible Orchestration:

Orchestrate with any API and utilize built-in support for cloud compute, storage, and networking, along with numerous pre-built plugins for extended cloud services.

Integration with Configuration Tools:

Seamlessly integrate with popular configuration tools such as Terraform, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Salt, Bash, and Powershell, as well as native cloud templates.

Comprehensive Monitoring:

Monitor servers and applications, receive alerts, and trigger sophisticated orchestration and automation for prompt issue resolution.

Uptime Assurance:

Enjoy uptime insurance with self-healing capabilities, including automated backups, auto-scaling arrays, and failover mechanisms.

Efficient Patch Management:

Quickly roll out patches across your cloud servers for enhanced security and performance.

Governance Automation:

Automate governance controls with a wide range of off-the-shelf policies or create custom policies tailored to your specific needs.

Security Breakthrough:

Avoid security vulnerabilities with policies that identify and alert on misconfigured networking options, unsecured data storage, and non-compliant resources.

Cost Management:

Exploit reporting and other features to optimize costs across all clouds and accounts, eliminating wasteful spending and enhancing efficiency.

  • Automated Resource Discovery: Effortlessly discover all your cloud resources, including those provisioned through native cloud consoles.
  • Standardized Architectures: Maintain standardized architectures that align with corporate guidelines for versions, patches, and configurations.
  • Flexible Orchestration: Orchestrate with any API and utilize built-in support for cloud compute, storage, and networking, along with numerous pre-built plugins for extended cloud services.
  • Integration with Configuration Tools: Seamlessly integrate with popular configuration tools such as Terraform, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Salt, Bash, and Powershell, as well as native cloud templates.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Monitor servers and applications, receive alerts, and trigger sophisticated orchestration and automation for prompt issue resolution.
  • Uptime Assurance: Enjoy uptime insurance with self-healing capabilities, including automated backups, auto-scaling arrays, and failover mechanisms.
  • Efficient Patch Management: Quickly roll out patches across your cloud servers for enhanced security and performance.
  • Governance Automation: Automate governance controls with a wide range of off-the-shelf policies or create custom policies tailored to your specific needs.
  • Security Breakthrough: Avoid security vulnerabilities with policies that identify and alert on misconfigured networking options, unsecured data storage, and non-compliant resources.
  • Cost Management: Exploit reporting and other features to optimize costs across all clouds and accounts, eliminating wasteful spending and enhancing efficiency.

Oracle Observability and Management and INFOLOB Cloud Patrol Integration

Diverse Technology Stack Support

Accommodate both cloud-native and traditional technology stacks effortlessly.

Integrated Telemetry Platform

Benefit from an integrated platform of services for comprehensive telemetry (metrics, logs, traces), enabling seamless analysis across all software components and data types.

Cross-Tier Performance View

Gain insights into application, database, and infrastructure performance with a cross-tier perspective.

Estate-Wide Visibility

Enjoy visibility across Oracle Cloud, third-party clouds, and on-premises environments, ensuring a holistic view of your entire estate.

Ecosystem Interoperability

Facilitate interoperability within your ecosystem through standards-based data exchange and collection.

Embedded BI

Leverage applied machine learning for built-in intelligence that delivers proactive insights and rapid diagnostics.

  • Diverse Technology Stack Support: Accommodate both cloud-native and traditional technology stacks effortlessly.
  • Integrated Telemetry Platform: Benefit from an integrated platform of services for comprehensive telemetry (metrics, logs, traces), enabling seamless analysis across all software components and data types.
  • Cross-Tier Performance View: Gain insights into application, database, and infrastructure performance with a cross-tier perspective.
  • Estate-Wide Visibility: Enjoy visibility across Oracle Cloud, third-party clouds, and on-premises environments, ensuring a holistic view of your entire estate.
  • Ecosystem Interoperability: Facilitate interoperability within your ecosystem through standards-based data exchange and collection.
  • Embedded BI: Leverage applied machine learning for built-in intelligence that delivers proactive insights and rapid diagnostics.

Revolutionize your cloud and network operations with our network performance excellence, today.