Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M: The Anti-Ransomware

Following the release of Exadata X9M, the Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M—featuring transaction-level security, significantly ramped-up capacity, lowered price, and unparalleled restore performance—was announced. And, the buzz is still far from settling down. It is mainly because of the criticality of advantages the upgrade is designed to unlock, at nearly half the cost offered by other vendors. For instance, it is now considered the most effective measure against the notorious ransomware that cost businesses $350 million in 2020.

Let us have a closer look at the successor of Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X8M and the world’s first anti-ransomware in the class, along with all the state-of-the-art disaster recovery add-on it incorporates.

Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M: Price and Backup Capacity

First things first, the entry or base-level rack systems are now enabled to offer 207 terabytes (TB) of physical capacity and 2 petabytes (PB) of effective backup capacity. This is a straight 30% surge compared what X8M offered. However, this is not the end to it. The Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M also has a superior restore capacity of up to 15 TB/hour. The 18-storage-server, full rack system, on the other hand extends scalability beyond 1 PB of physical capacity coupled with 10 PB of effective backup capacity. Therefore, 30% backup capacity increase at 50% lower entry cost.

Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M: Restore Performance

The X9M Recovery Appliance is built to keep up with enterprise growth and seamlessly scale to a full rack configuration for generating a backup and restore performance of 24 TB per hour. Moreover, every single unit is capable of linearly scale-out to 22 PB of physical capacity together with 432 TB per hour of restore performance and data protection capacity by inter-connecting up to 18 racks.

Transaction-Level Security Against Ransomware

Today, one of the greatest threats to modern enterprises and their on-premises and cloud IT environments is the ransomware. It stands as the perfect example of how sophisticated and complex cyberattacks can be, i.e., contaminating enterprise data in not only their production systems, however, also in their backup systems – crippling them from ever making a recovery without paying an extortion.

Besides, for a database that usually manages the most mission-critical business assets, attacks like ransomware that ‘locks out’ is simply disastrous. The effect of a single un-recovered transaction can transmit to other relied transactions, infecting data integrity across all the other databases utilized by an enterprise – risking everything in between.

Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M blocks these vulnerabilities via the pioneering transaction-level security and end-to-end orchestrated recovery validation options exclusively available with Oracle. These capabilities guarantee easy, point-in-time database recovery. The X9M Recovery Appliance is deployable in the physical network restricted aka network isolated vault for undisturbed periodic backup synchronization – always free from the ransomware threats in production.

Final thoughts on the Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance X9M

In a nutshell, Oracle’s Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance is an advanced, industry-leading database security solution that can empower businesses to conveniently recover their mission-critical assets, including transactions executed a second prior to a ransomware attack or a similar unfortunate event.

Lastly, all the identity and access permissions are imposed via Oracle’s role-based access control – translating to database administrators, vault administrators, and production appliance administrators being limited to gaining admittance to only their privileged systems.